Cast Your Vote: An Exciting NEW Summer Promotion!

We are excited to roll out a kind of promotion that we've never offered before!
You will have the opportunity to enjoy special savings on a featured Dream Album Co. product. Now, for the fun part — you also get to play a role in deciding what product we will put on promotion!
Here's how it works. Head to Facebook and go to our Cast Your Vote Facebook status update. Be sure to tell us what product you want to see on promotion in the comment section.
In order for your vote to count, you will need to also "like" us on Facebook. You have through 5/26/13 to cast your vote and must vote during the designated time period. One vote per person.
Once the voting period closes, we will tally the votes and reveal the new promotion on the blog and on Facebook.
You'll have a limited window of time to take us up on the promotion. It cannot be combined with any other discount or offer.
We can't wait to see what product you choose!
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